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Quick Guide to Pinterest

helen • Jul 28, 2020

I turn to Pinterest for inspiration

It is a brilliant tool to build mood boards to collate images and ideas relating to a topic or idea.
Here are a few tips and a quick guide on what you can do.


  1. Objective - what are you hoping to achieve though Pinterest? Is it for personal or business purposes or a mix of both?
  2. Start with the basics - create a profile(s), you can now have multiple accounts so you could split into personal and business.
  3. Search - use the search box to look for boards or pins of the topic you are interested in. Images will appear relating to your search or additional options will be offered to you to help refine your search
  4. Images - hovering over the image (or pin as they are known in Pinterest) will present you with various options and information including how / where to save the pin to one of your boards, where the image orientated from, the option to download, hide the pin or report.
  5. Boards - you can create your own board(s) or follow those of other peoples. Boards typically focus on a topic or theme. Relevant pins can then be added to the boards. Pinterest will then make suggestions for similar pins or boards that may be of interest to you. 
  6. Privacy - you can choose to make a board public or closed. Public boards mean that other people on Pinterest can view the board and pins and can choose to follow a board or you and copy a pin to their own board if they wish. A Secret (closed) board means that only you can see this.
  7. Collaborators - you can add people to collaborate / contribute on a board (open or secret), this is useful if you are working in a team.
  8. Updates - Pinterest will provide you with information relating to your boards and pins to advise you if someone is now following them or have copied the pins. They will let you know if an account you are following has added new boards or pins which it thinks may be of interest to you. In addition, they will also advise if there boards and pins you might like from accounts you have not interacted with before.
  9. Usage ideas - Personal - you could create boards for holiday destinations, when decorating your home, developing your garden, or planning a wedding or party.
  10. Usage ideas - Business - create boards for your product range or use for inspiration for developing new products and services. 


If you need guidance, contact Helen Stott at Marketing Doris on 0790 3727750 - also available on Pinterest - let’s connect (if we are not already) and do let me know if you are following and I’ll happily follow you back

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